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Re: Martin Parr

Thanks, Judy, for the heads up on Martin Parr. I think he is fast becoming my fave, too. What a sense of vernacular humor!

I am spending several hours at a time combing through the library TR section, paging through each book, and marking it yea or nay on my list that is now down to 2300 from 3700. I have come across some wonderful books that apply to alt, so I am revising my list to NOT be the top 100 (or 500) books, but dividing it into categories of alt, doc, experimental, digital, etc. so I think the alt list of books will be quite helpful, esp since a lot of the books are not alt per se but have lots of examples in them (esp the history ones).

The benefit is I have come across some real winners.

Question--anyone into photography in the 60's or 70's who might know if Benno Friedman did gum on a regular basis?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Bryant" <dsbryant@bellsouth.net>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 5:24 PM
Subject: Martin Parr

For those interested here is a link to an interview of Martin Parr.


-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Seigel [mailto:jseigel@panix.com]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 5:29 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Books

Thanks to Scott for mentioning some I'd forgotten, namely:

On Thu, 3 May 2007, Weber, Scott wrote:

Susan Sontag, On Photography (love her or hate her she always stirs
things up in my classes)

Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison, The Architect's Brother
both of them among my favorites, too, tho interestingly (I suppose) some of
the others Scott mentioned are among my least-favorites (or my "yuck"

But my alltime favorite for this moment is Martin Parr's "Common Sense,"
which was given to me about a year ago (I'd never heard of it) but I
understand is now -- ta da -- a collector's item ! I can look at it every
day, or wish I managed to... It says more about photography, people, the
world, than I thought humanly possible.

And Martin Parr is my favorite photographer for all time at this moment.

His website


is also a favorite, if not THE favorite. When time permits I'll write about
the sheer genius of his series, "The Last Parking Space" and relate it to
Christina's picture of "Wrong Way." Among other insights.

Another point is that this "poll" conflates picture books, how-to books, and
theory books, which very different, and even have subsets within each.

Finally, I can't resist mentioning that listing "Ansel Adams" among
favorites is... who did that? Don't want to make a young person cry.
But REALLY .... um (muffled explanation, and fighting back words sounding
like "sucky"... But now back to my needle & thread, have to go to wedding
tomorrow in Wash DC, need to sew a dress.... putting on my grandmother's old
lace. Anybody got the arsenic?)


  • References:
    • Martin Parr
      • From: Don Bryant <dsbryant@bellsouth.net>