Re: Martin Parr
Thanks, Judy, for the heads up on Martin Parr. I think he is fast becoming my fave, too. What a sense of vernacular humor! I am spending several hours at a time combing through the library TR section, paging through each book, and marking it yea or nay on my list that is now down to 2300 from 3700. I have come across some wonderful books that apply to alt, so I am revising my list to NOT be the top 100 (or 500) books, but dividing it into categories of alt, doc, experimental, digital, etc. so I think the alt list of books will be quite helpful, esp since a lot of the books are not alt per se but have lots of examples in them (esp the history ones). The benefit is I have come across some real winners. Question--anyone into photography in the 60's or 70's who might know if Benno Friedman did gum on a regular basis? Chris ----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Bryant" <> To: <> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 5:24 PM Subject: Martin Parr For those interested here is a link to an interview of Martin Parr. -----Original Message----- From: Judy Seigel [] Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 5:29 PM To: Subject: Re: Books Thanks to Scott for mentioning some I'd forgotten, namely: On Thu, 3 May 2007, Weber, Scott wrote:Susan Sontag, On Photography (love her or hate her she always stirs things up in my classes)both of them among my favorites, too, tho interestingly (I suppose) some ofRobert & Shana ParkeHarrison, The Architect's Brother