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Re: light proof packaging


Freestyle has just what you need, in many sizes:


On May 11, 2007, at 3:03 PM, Gordon J. Holtslander wrote:

I want to split up some of the large packages of 8x10 and larger sheet film I
have. I'm looking for a source of light-proof packaging - but I haven't had
any success finding any.

Does anyone have a source of light proof bags, envelopes, sheet plastic films?
The film company's have to get it from somewhere???


Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology
gordon.holtslander@usask.ca University of Saskatchewan
Tel 306 966-4433 112 Science Place
Fax 306 966-4462 Saskatoon SK., CANADA
homepage.usask.ca~gjh289 S7N 5E2