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RE: Jose Ortiz-Echague and Fresson

Didn't he also pay a lot of money for the secret? My memory is fading, but I
think Luis mentioned something like that on the list, if I am not mistaken.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandy King [mailto:sanking@clemson.edu] 
> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 11:57 PM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: Re: Jose Ortiz-Echague and Fresson
> Chris.
> Several reasons I can suggest.
> There may also be personal connections of which I am not 
> aware. But here are some of the things that may have moved them.
> At the time Ortiz-Echague was one of the most famous 
> photographers in Europe, and had been using the Fresson paper 
> for almost 50 years. 
> Perhaps they felt that they owed him the favor.
> And, he was one of the most powerful men in Spain and a 
> person of great accomplishments outside of photography. He 
> was one of the first pilots in the Spanish, rose to the rank 
> of General in the Army, and served as President of both SEAT 
> (a company that produced cars) and of another company that 
> produced airplanes.
> Basically, I figure they came to the conclusion that their 
> secrets were safe with him, given his age at the time and his 
> status in Spanish society.
> Sandy
>   At 9:41 PM -0600 5/21/07, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
> >When the Fresson family
> >ceased commercial distribution of the paper they provided 
> him with the 
> >technical knowledge to coat his own paper, and he 
> constructed a coating 
> >machine and thereafter called his process "carbondir" 
> (carbon directo) 
> >so as not to offend the Fressons.
> >
> >Sandy,
> >Why would, do you think, the Fresson family share their secrets with 
> >him and yet not with anyone else since then?
> >
> >I notice they still do Sheila Metzner's work as well as Deborah 
> >Turbeville's...
> >Chris