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Re: Why did Nadeau bug Echague re the Fresson secrets??

Thanks, John, and I'm loving reading about all this. I am not actually researching this process (I got sidetracked at the library when researching other stuff and came across Metzner's imagery), but it is intriguing in the light of gum bichromate (which I am researching). I'm tempted to add some gelatin to the mix and see what happens, but regardless, it's neat when a topic is started where others of you share your stuff.

I will email Nadeau..

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Grocott" <john.grocott403@ntlworld.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:38 AM
Subject: Re: Why did Nadeau bug Echague re the Fresson secrets??

Chris, Try
Have a nice day.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Why did Nadeau bug Echague re the Fresson secrets??

Chris, Why dont you ask Luis Nadeau ?
I don't know him....