Luis Nadeau Answers
Luis was kind enough to answer my questions; the first one (why buy from Echague and not Fressons) he answers with this: Luis: 1-The first part of your question is answered in my books: History and Practice of Carbon Processes Gum Dichromate and Other Direct Carbon Processes from Artigue to Zimmerman Encyclopedia of Printing, Photographic and Photomechanical Processes. They are in thousands of libraries and still in print --or at least available as an eBook in the case of the Encyclopedia. The final, second edition, will be available both on paper and as eBook editions later this summer. Then the answer to my second question: 2-For the second part of your question ("if you were doing this process still"). The answer is "not at this time and I have not used the process in recent years". I work on average 100 (one hundred) hours a week, 50 weeks a year and always seem to have about five years of projects ahead of me. I work for museums, publishers, and universities around the world. I take on way too much work for others and often end up subsidizing them. I am 55 years old and still pretty healthy but I realize that I will never have enough time to do everything I would like to achieve in this current incarnation. Over the next year or two I will either sell the Fresson process to the highest bidder to finance my research and publishing activities or I will change direction and get back into Fresson printing but strictly for limited editions in monochrome work. I don't like the color version of the process for reasons detailed in my books. Regards, Luis Nadeau So considering I own every one of his books I guess I should have looked there first! He seems like someone after my own heart--so many projects, so little time... Chris