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Re: Attn. Loris + All. Further to gelatine coating + Direct Carbon

Title: Message
Loris , If the criteria you mention are of premier importance in your work then I feel your guess is similar to my own. Using paper negatives with Direct Carbon, also does not display paramount detail from the original camera information. 
 What Direct Carbon  can  do, is deliver good D Max and the possibility of controlling density in the print during development, which makes the process so attrractive to some pictorialist / impressionist artists.
 I wish you success in your endeavours.
Later re. Agar - Agar.
John- Photographist - London - UK
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 2:26 PM
Subject: RE: Attn. Loris + All. Further to gelatine coating.

Noted, thanks! Will think about / test / evaluate the possibilities when I re-visit carbon printing (hope very soon). On the other hand, I must admit what actually draws me to carbon is the incredible 1.dmax, 2.resolution/sharpness and 3.relief it provides -> I guess direct carbon doesn't do good in the domain of the last two criterions...
-----Original Message-----
From: John Grocott [mailto:john.grocott403@ntlworld.com]
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 2:46 PM
To: The List
Subject: Attn. Loris + All. Further to gelatine coating.

Echague mentioned he used four coatings in his Carbondir/ Fresson process.
So maybe the implication is like this:-  Maybe, not ! !
 Base coat  = hardened gelatine.
 Second coat  = UN - hardened gelatine.
Third coat = gelatine plus ? ? ?
Fourth coat = Pigment plus musilage ( ? ).
I have experimented with many combinations of gelatine, gum arabic, poster paint (containing gum ), Sumi Ink, dry pigment and found you can get acceptable results in several ways but none  about which I would be  dogmatic to other workers.
                    Words are only theory. One should do the actual work to really know what you are talking about. I can only provide pointers and not cut and dried systems full of detailed procedures.
                     Please ask about specific points as they come up in your experimenting. Hope my postings have been encouraging.
            Best, for now.
            John - Photographist - London - UK