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Re: RE: APIS & Alt-Photo in NM / AZ

Jalo and Dick

Don't forget the special surprise on thursday the 19th (Yes even Sullivan does 
not know about this one) it was 20 years in the making. I am so lookig forward 
to APIS see you all soon

Jan Pietrzak

From: Richard Sullivan <richsul@earthlink.net>
Date: 2007/06/30 Sat PM 08:31:59 CDT
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: APIS & Alt-Photo in NM / AZ

You Are in luck. APIS is going on during PhotoArts Santa Fe. Therewill be over 
60 venues of photo shows and lectures, plus studio tours and atrade show, 
going on during the week. Santa Fe is the second largest art marketin the 
U.S., second only to NYNY. Andrew Smith has just moved to a newspectacular 
gallery space and Verve has just done a huge major expansion. Thisis the 3rd 
biannual PhotoArts, and by far the largest. I think yourstay will be 
enjoyable. We also have a world class opera, and I&#8217;ve metfew 
photographers that weren&#8217;t interested in opera. &#160;http://
www.santafeopera.org/ Check thisout, it&#8217;s not shabby!
--Dick Sullivan 
(Co-founder with Melody Bostick &#160;of PhotoArts Santa Fe -- allservices 
From: Projekti Vedos[mailto:vedos@samk.fi] 
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 4:03 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: APIS &amp; Alt-Photo in NM / AZ
Hello List!

Subscribed to the list again after being away for a few years. I got to 
saythis is a wonderful source of professional knowledge, and stillgoing strong 
after all these years ;)

Haven't done much alt-photo printing lately, but I'm involved in a small 
groupof research workers, studying alternative printing processes in 
photography andgraphic arts at an art school in Finland (Project Vedos:&

As it happens, two of us project members are going to APIS symposium in 
SantaFe on 19-21 July. From Santa Fe we are going to drive to Tucson, AZ, 
andcontinue by air to Los Angeles,CA, for a couple of days.

We would be very interested to know about any alt-photo shows or activity in 
oraround these cities in New Mexico / Arizona ... on 22-30 July.

Jalo Porkkala

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VEDOS - Alternative Processes in Photography and Graphic Arts
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Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
School of Fine Art Kankaanp&#228;&#228;
Paasikivenkatu 24, 38700 Kankaanp&#228;&#228;, Finland
Tel: +358 2 620 6154
Email: vedos@samk.fi
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