Re: Shooting long range negs?
By varying the dilution of HC110 (or Rodinal I suppose) you should be
able to obtain higher contrast indices and results, and denser
negatives than those which the other Kodak developers can produce.
The official Contrast Index curve for 320TXP sheets developed in
trays is here:
and shows HC110 dilution B at around 13 minutes 20C will produce a CI
of about 0.95 which is what you will need for Salted Paper.
(Personally, I'd try a test shot at 1/2xISO and knock the dilution
back to dilution A or perhaps even 1+9 out of the developer
concentrate bottle, maybe 7 minutes at 20C or thereabouts because I
don't like extended development times.)
On Aug 9, 2007, at 4:06 AM, Ross Chambers wrote:
Dear Folk,
I'm trying to achieve salted prints from 5x7 camera negatives.
I'm a little hampered by regular lack of access to a densitometer
(occasional access is not impossible -- I just don't want to strain
friendship until I feel more confident of results) so I'm
eyeballing them as
best I can using the step wedge on the light box comparison method.
I would appreciate recommendations on the filmstocks / developers
that I
have available (I've used Fomapan 200 and Kodak 320TXP; Xtol and
D76 thus
far with results which printed OK on Ilford MG IV VC at grades 2 -
0, but
are still flat, but not totally hopeless, on salted paper).
I'm paying regard to John Barnier's recommendation to extend
processing time
by 30%.
I have also Arista Ultra Edu 100 and APHS Litho (Jim Galli's evil
neither of which I have tried.
My developers option is D76, Xtol, HC110, Rodinal and a bunch of raw
I haven't tried my preciously hoarded Arches Platine yet, I'm using
cheap Canson 100 and realise that this could contribute to the short
contrast range.
What would any of you successful salt printers grab off my shelf to
set out
for a printable negative?
Thanks - Ross
Ross Chambers
Blue Mountains
New South Wales