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Re: Galleries & Museums in New York City - Photography

Hey Judy..... thanks for taking so much time to provide such great info!  Will pass it on!

In a message dated 8/14/07 7:06:47 PM, jseigel@panix.com writes:

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007, Dave Soemarko wrote:

> How about the Museum of Modern Arts? Is it good? I have visited it only once
> but that was, hmmm, maybe 15 years ago or longer, so my memory is fading. I
> can't remember anything I saw except maybe a toilet bowl mounted on the
> wall. Isn't it the first museum in the world that collects photographs as
> arts, or something like that?

Dave, I can't guarantee that MoMA doesn't have something swell in
photography now, but I don't recall it in the press, and I haven't been
there since they opened the new building (there hasn't been anything I
felt motivated to pay $20 to see. The Met is more forgiving: the
"suggested price" is (as I recall) $12, tho I'm a member -- which means I
pay about $85 per visit, because that's the annual membership & I never
seem to get there more than once, or maybe twice a year. But anyway,
they will accept your lesser payment, tho you may have to endure a dirty
look if it's *really* small.

As for MoMA -- in the long ago, John Szarkowski curated a couple of
fabulous photography shows there (and of course there was "The Family of
Man: Quick! for 25 points, who curated that ?!)  But Szarkowski is dead,
and frankly the pop stars of photog I've noticed there lately do not, as
noted above, seem worth $20. As I recall, MoMA does have a free (Friday?)
night, but I'm told the line is so long that by the time you get in, the
open hours are nearly over.

ICP (International Center for Photography) also has a free, I think also
Friday, night, but the lines aren't so bad ... I understand.

But that's not why I'm writing, which is to say that I picked up last
Friday's Arts section of the Times today (looking for something else) and
noticed a capsule review of its current photo show, as follows:

"Hidden in Plain Sight: Contemporary Photographs from the Collection,
through Sep. 3.
"A small but potent exhibition of contemporary photographs from the
museum's collection that opens with an epigraph by Henry David
Thoreau:'The question is not what you look at but what you see.' Artists
here find beauty in the everyday and mundane, from Walker Evans' late
series of Polaroids to Stephen Shore's landscapes and Rachel Harrison's
photograph of a house in Perth Amboy, N. J., where thousands believed that
they saw the face of the Virgin Mary on a second floor window."

Below that is Museum of the City of New York (5th Ave at 103 st): New York
Rises: Photographs by Eugene de Salignac.  Quote: This exhibition makes a
case for adding Eugene de Salignac, the official photographer for the NYC
Dept of Bridges [to something garbled by the printer]... He captured the
Williamsburg, Manhattan and Queensboro Bridges just as construction was
completed and the subway tracks were being laid..." (Tho on 2nd thought
that sounds like a show for NYC buffs, or at least bridge buffs, of whom
of course there are many. So I still suggest the Met.)

But Mark, tell your student to get Friday's NY Times when he gets here...
and check the Arts section.  If he's staying at a hotel, they'll have
lots of museum, gallery, & general art lit, too.  I'd also guess the Times
Arts section would be on line  all week.


Mark Nelson
Precision Digital Negatives
PDNPrint : Precision Digital Negatives
Mark I. Nelson Photography

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