U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: First layer...

RE: First layer...


Nice work! Looks like you've got something going here.

Don Bryant

-----Original Message-----
From: Loris Medici [mailto:mail@loris.medici.name] 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 6:59 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: First layer...


The paper is finally dry (or, almost dry since it's 30C 65% in my  
darkroom right now!) below you may find links to see the print:

Re-sized scan:
http://www.loris.medici.name/gum/loris_gum_1st_layer_sm.jpg (159k)

Cropped 100% 300dpi scan:
http://www.loris.medici.name/gum/loris_gum_1st_layer_crop.jpg (43k)
(Very good detail! Can you see the man? I think he's smoking... Can  
you see the fine lines of the fire escape?)

Re-sized scan (with diagram showing the crop):
http://www.loris.medici.name/gum/loris_gum_1st_layer_diagram.jpg (161k)

This is one-coat (will do further coats later) Schmincke Ivory Black.  
Print size is 25 x 16cm or 9 13/16 x 6 5/16".

I'm very impressed. I got incredible shadow detail with my 2A+1B Trad.  
Cyanotype curve designed for Masa Paper. Shadow detail is even better  
than the Cyanotype version. Image is softer than Cyanotype but the  
detail is still there...


  • References: