Re: Artistico Unsized?
On Aug 29, 2007, at 12:01 AM, Loris Medici wrote: FWIW, Masa isn't slower than Artistico. With my lightsource (a bank of UVBL tubes) the exposure times are exactly the same (with similar results). Can't speak for Arches since I haven't used it before This makes some sense, I think, if Artistico Extra White prints about the same as the Traditional White, because a month ago or so I sized up a small number of Artistico Extra White that I had ordered several years ago and never used for actual prints because I don't care for the surface texture, but I figured it would do to run tests on, as a way of getting it out of the drawer without actually throwing it away. I was suprised how much slower it was than my usual Arches bright white; as I recall it was on the order of 5-6 minutes for test strips that would take 2 minutes on Arches, at the same humidity and similar coating mix. This is with my EBV photoflood bulb, of course. kt |