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Re: dying printer

It is a miracle you got 6 years service from it.
Buy one of the better Canon all in one units if that is what you need.
Canons do not clog up or drink ink as much as Epson.
Good luck...

On Sep 3, 2007, at 8:53 AM, Hellena Cleary wrote:

I am desperate to save my dying printer. It is an Epson 2900 with Windows 98 as the operating system. The black ink and the power light are flashing alternatively. The status monitor system comes up with an error communication message. The Epsom website has not deigned to respond. I suppose at 6 years of age, this is a senior printer. Anyone have any ideas? I believe in the kill or cure approach. Hellena

  • References:
    • dying printer
      • From: Hellena Cleary <hellena@hncleary.myzen.co.uk>