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Re: "Boric acid" and gum

Hi Chris,

From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>
Subject: Re: "Boric acid" and gum
Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2007 08:18:52 -0600

> Back to glut being the best hardener on the market, huh :)?

Well, it depends on what you value, but for standard gelatin
sizing, I think glut is a pretty good hardener that works very
well... Those who lack good ventilation to take care of the
fumes might want to use bisepoxides (search for my past
postings), which also works very well, but I recommend to give
a minimum of one week time between coating of sizing and using
the sized paper. In my experience, bisepoxides are excellent
hardeners but they take time to harden gelatin.
Ryuji Suzuki