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And while I'm at it... Workshops

I have several alt-process workshops coming up soon. Here's the scoop:

October 6-7 - Intro to Platinum/Palladium Printing in my home studio in
Placerville, California http://kerik.com/wrkshps.htm This is a fun,
info-packed workshop that will include making digital negatives with an
Epson 3800 printer. (2 spots left)

November 1-4 - Intro to Platinum/Palladium Printing for the Ansel Adams
Workshops in Yosemite National Park http://tinyurl.com/33oh2t. This is a
wonderful time of year to be in one of the most beautiful places on the
planet. This will be a shooting and printing workshop and will include
making digital negatives with an Epson 3800 printer.

November 15 - One Day Gum Over Platinum Blast for Project Basho on
Philadelphia http://tinyurl.com/2ttcpd This workshop is intended for
experienced platinum printers who wish to quickly get up to speed with the
beautiful gum over platinum process.

November 17-18 - Intro to Wet Plate Collodion for Project Basho in
Philadelphia http://tinyurl.com/2nn4k6 We did this workshop back in April
and it went extremely well. So, we're getting ready for round two!

I may have time for one or two more 1-on-1 workshops before the end of the
year, so if you're interested in scheduling one of those, send me an email
and we'll set something up.

For more information, visit my website and click on the Workshops link. Feel
free to email me offlist with any questions or thoughts you may have. 
