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Re.alt exhibit and definition of alt photo

Hi Ya Folks,
No Gum prints present at THE exhibition??!! Could this have something to do
with the petrification experienced by many students  and teachers who have
decided not to risk contamination from Ammonium Dichromate etc., substances
especially in a class situation where I have found it more difficult to
control. Working in ones own personal environment is a different matter.
Long live GUM.
 Up until the fifties, or thereabouts, photographers made pictures by
various processes which we all know well from the past. Then, and I suspect
mainly for commercial and promotional reasons the term, ''alternative
photography'', started being used and authors started compiling chapters
from all the original books on all the old processes, repackaging them into
new books and publishing them. AS IF IT WAS SOMETHING NEW.
           Roger, you must remember those far off days, not so long ago. A great friend of mine who is now over the age of ninety, laughed, when, yesterday,
I inadvertantly mentioned Gum to him as an alternative process. Then he
asked if it was the same process as Heinrich Khun used when he knew him,
personally, way back in Gemany in the twenties. I apologized to Charles and told him the sooner he gets a computer and gets on the List the quicker we shall all see that the phoney terminology is almost taking control of our thoughts and intentions.
                      BTW, Charles now has a laptop, recently acquired, and
is learning to use email and the Internet, so WATCH OUT, yo' all !
               Any more over nineties, out there, doing gum bichro pictures?
          Any more for any more. Come on, come on.
Have a jolly nice weekend. Mean it , mean it!!
John - Photographist - London - UK

----- Original Message -----
From: "permadocument" <
To: <
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: alt exhibit

Dear all,

I hope all of you spent a pleasant and fruitful summer (photographically

On visiting the on-line alt exhibit I was impressed by the overall quality
of the retained works. A question arises: would it not be the moment to
define what we really mean when we speak of "alternative works".
Alternative to what? Silvergelatin? Digital? Hybrid processes?
Being responsable of an experimental European gallery I would greatly
appreciate to have your opinions on this apparently controversial topic.
With my warmest greetings,
P.S. Christina, your work is still on our walls till at least september 15
(if you can miss it till then)

Roger Kockaerts
rue des Balkans 7
B-1180 Brussels
T/ 32 2 347 66 76

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Daniel Williams [mailto:dtwilliams3@comcast.net]
Envoyé : jeudi 6 septembre 2007 1:44
À :
Objet : Re: alt exhibit

zphoto@montana.net wrote:
> Hi all,
> There are a number of people on this list in this show--I
> was offlist for a bit while at Penland and don't know if
> someone announced it, but here is the link that shows the
> exhibit.
> Chris

I see the page has now been altered to show the process used.

Dan Williams

Hi Ya Folks,
No Gum prints present at THE exhibition??!! Could this have something to do
with the petrification experienced by many students  and teachers who have
decided not to risk contamination from Ammonium Dichromate etc., substances
especially in a class situation where I have found it more difficult to
control. Working in ones own personal environment is a different matter.
Long live GUM.
 Up until the fifties, or thereabouts, photographers made pictures by
various processes which we all know well from the past. Then, and I suspect
mainly for commercial and promotional reasons the term, ''alternative
photography'', started being used and authors started compiling chapters
from all the original books on all the old processes, repackaging them into
new books and publishing them. AS IF IT WAS SOMETHING NEW.
 Roger, you must remember those far off days, not so long ago. A great
friend of mine who is now over the age of ninety, laughed, when, yesterday,
I inadvertantly mentioned Gum to him as an alternative process. Then he
asked if it was the same process as Heinrich Khun used when he knew him,
personally, way back in Gemany. I apologized to Charles and told him the
sooner he gets a computer and gets on the List the quicker we shall all see
that the phoney terminology is almost taking control of our thoughts and
                      BTW, Charles now has a laptop, recently acquired, and
is learning to use email and the Internet, so WATCH OUT, yo' all !
               Any more over nineties, out there, doing gum bichro pictures.
          Any more for any more. Come on, come on.
Have a jolly nice weekend. Mean it ! !
John - Photographist - London - UK

----- Original Message -----
From: "permadocument" <
To: <
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: alt exhibit

Dear all,

I hope all of you spent a pleasant and fruitful summer (photographically

On visiting the on-line alt exhibit I was impressed by the overall quality
of the retained works. A question arises: would it not be the moment to
define what we really mean when we speak of "alternative works".
Alternative to what? Silvergelatin? Digital? Hybrid processes?
Being responsable of an experimental European gallery I would greatly
appreciate to have your opinions on this apparently controversial topic.
With my warmest greetings,
P.S. Christina, your work is still on our walls till at least september 15
(if you can miss it till then)

Roger Kockaerts
rue des Balkans 7
B-1180 Brussels
T/ 32 2 347 66 76

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Daniel Williams [mailto:dtwilliams3@comcast.net]
Envoyé : jeudi 6 septembre 2007 1:44
À :
Objet : Re: alt exhibit

zphoto@montana.net wrote:
> Hi all,
> There are a number of people on this list in this show--I
> was offlist for a bit while at Penland and don't know if
> someone announced it, but here is the link that shows the
> exhibit.
> Chris

I see the page has now been altered to show the process used.

Dan Williams

Hi Ya Folks,
No Gum prints present at THE exhibition??!! Could this have something to do
with the petrification experienced by many students  and teachers who have
decided not to risk contamination from Ammonium Dichromate etc., substances
especially in a class situation where I have found it more difficult to
control. Working in ones own personal environment is a different matter.
Long live GUM.
 Up until the fifties, or thereabouts, photographers made pictures by
various processes which we all know well from the past. Then, and I suspect
mainly for commercial and promotional reasons the term, ''alternative
photography'', started being used and authors started compiling chapters
from all the original books on all the old processes, repackaging them into
new books and publishing them. AS IF IT WAS SOMETHING NEW.
 Roger, you must remember those far off days, not so long ago. A great
friend of mine who is now over the age of ninety, laughed, when, yesterday,
I inadvertantly mentioned Gum to him as an alternative process. Then he
asked if it was the same process as Heinrich Khun used when he knew him,
personally, way back in Gemany. I apologized to Charles and told him the
sooner he gets a computer and gets on the List the quicker we shall all see
that the phoney terminology is almost taking control of our thoughts and
                      BTW, Charles now has a laptop, recently acquired, and
is learning to use email and the Internet, so WATCH OUT, yo' all !
               Any more over nineties, out there, doing gum bichro pictures.
          Any more for any more. Come on, come on.
Have a jolly nice weekend. Mean it ! !
John - Photographist - London - UK

----- Original Message -----
From: "permadocument" <
To: <
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: alt exhibit

Dear all,

I hope all of you spent a pleasant and fruitful summer (photographically

On visiting the on-line alt exhibit I was impressed by the overall quality
of the retained works. A question arises: would it not be the moment to
define what we really mean when we speak of "alternative works".
Alternative to what? Silvergelatin? Digital? Hybrid processes?
Being responsable of an experimental European gallery I would greatly
appreciate to have your opinions on this apparently controversial topic.
With my warmest greetings,
P.S. Christina, your work is still on our walls till at least september 15
(if you can miss it till then)

Roger Kockaerts
rue des Balkans 7
B-1180 Brussels
T/ 32 2 347 66 76

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Daniel Williams [mailto:dtwilliams3@comcast.net]
Envoyé : jeudi 6 septembre 2007 1:44
À :
Objet : Re: alt exhibit

zphoto@montana.net wrote:
> Hi all,
> There are a number of people on this list in this show--I
> was offlist for a bit while at Penland and don't know if
> someone announced it, but here is the link that shows the
> exhibit.
> Chris

I see the page has now been altered to show the process used.

Dan Williams