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RE: Beware of Amazon.com


The book is available for free online, but if he/she really wants a printed
copy I'll sell mine for $99.99 with free 2 day Prioriy Mail shipping.


-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Seigel [mailto:jseigel@panix.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 2:44 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Beware of Amazon.com

Some months ago, a colleague e-mailed to tell me that Amazon.com was 
charging $150 for, I think it was Reilly's book of Albumen & Salted Paper 

Absurd of course, so could I suggest some other source? I figured it was 
simply an overblown estimate of value of an out-of-print book you could 
download for free (I heard) from University of something in California. 
Or find for $20 on Abe Books.

But today, speaking with my friend, publisher of Midmarch Press (small 
press that umbrella-ed Post-Factory, among others), I learn that Amazon is 
charging $150 for Midmarch's most recent book, which is actually priced at 
$25 (deliberately low, so artists can afford it). She learned this from 
the book's editor, who called, distraught, because a friend of *hers* had 
tried to buy it and been quoted that price.

It seems that Amazon is like E-bay that Ryuji can't reach -- Cynthia 
(the publisher) cannot get to speak to any person at Amazon, they ignore 
her e-mails, and don't take phone calls, or surface mail.  She told her 
friend the obvious, send a check for $25 to Midmarch, 300 Riverside Dr, 
NYC 10025 (as I've mentioned on this list before, it's always preferable 
to buy direct from author or small press as Amazon takes a 60% cut -- you 
heard me, SIXTY PERCENT, plus publisher's cost to ship to them)...

But I wonder how many more such cases exist, whether it's a mere 
computer glitch, or intentional. (How Amazon treats small publishers is 
anyway outrageous... I'd bet the farm they don't treat large publishers 
that badly. They get away with it because people are lazy...Don't want to 
think or move their butt -- just order it on Amazon.)

This particular book by the way, is especially interesting to me and one I 
intend to buy (and pay full price for!) myself... I've been asked so many 
times about "The Club" (in part no doubt because there are panels and 
snippets of its history in my own "Mutiny and the Main Stream" and 
probably also because I've heard so much about it from, for instance, 
Cynthia, whose late husband was also one of the founders, as I believe was 
Harold Rosenberg). It's a memoir (title: "Club without Walls") from the 
notes of the late Philip Pavia, another founder & longtime Club secretary, 
edited by his wife, Natalie Edgar...

Meetings were on 10th street, ending at the Cedar Tavern, also in this 
general neighborhood... Another spot for tourist groups to stand in front 
of and listen to lectures of loosely related facts, tho my real estate tax 
will feel it anyway. ... I don't remember but heard about the days when 
you could get a nice studio on 10th Street for $20 or $30/month.  (You 
will I trust excuse the mention...  No communication from these parts can 
go out by land sea or air without mention of real estate. It's the law.)

But lest my point get lost:  beware of Amazon. com.  They're out of 

love & kisses,
