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RE: Beware of Amazon.com

> Some months ago, a colleague e-mailed to tell me that Amazon.com was
> charging $150 for, I think it was Reilly's book of Albumen & Salted Paper
> printing.
> Absurd of course, so could I suggest some other source? I figured it was
> simply an overblown estimate of value of an out-of-print book you could
> download for free (I heard) from University of something in California.
> Or find for $20 on Abe Books.


$46 from lowest cost source.  NOT direct from Amazon.com but rather using their marketplace.  This is NOT the same as buying from Amazon.com.

What is the ISBN of this supposed $150 book?

Rob Young

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      • From: Judy Seigel <jseigel@panix.com>