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Re: Beware of Amazon.com

Quoting Thom Mitchell <tjmitch@ix.netcom.com>:


> Amazon is a big business but so was Kodak (not so big anymore). 

To be sure, they ain't exactly starving, although they aren't profitable.  Just 
in case anyone cares:

August 6, 2007 – Eastman Kodak Company yesterday announced its second quarter 
results for 2007. Kodak reported second quarter net earnings of $592 million 
and a 7 percent drop in sales to $2.51 billion year over year. Digital revenue 
increased 3 percent, while traditional revenue dropped 17 percent to $1.044 

Eastman Kodak 2007 Fortune 500 Rank: 182 (Previous rank: 155)
Revenues US$13.274 billion
Profits US$-601.0 million (i.e., loss)
Market Value 3/23/2007 US$6.780 billion
