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Re: Work in the alt exhibit

Hello Henk--

Thanks for sharing; I just ordered a copy! Looks like what our secretive transfer artist is doing!


henk thijs wrote:

On 8 sep 2007, at 5:50, Don Bryant wrote:

There is a photographer here locally that transfers color images printed on
inkjet paper to rice paper and the resulting transfers are quite stunning
and sometimes beautiful, but she won't reveal her method. 

Hi Don,
One great things of the list is charing info, methods and also 'secrets' ; the image as such must inhabit  quality on the first place , and I try to give some extra by the choice of an alt process, or ?

For all information concerning 'alternative ink jet printing' there is a wonderful book with a lot of info:

Digital Art Studio by Karin Schminke and others ISBN 0-8230-1342-1

For me as a starting point it is very good, with illustrations 'how-to', examples et al. Printing on all kind of paper, transfers etc.
Very informative.

Fine art photography of Jan Kapoor at: www.jankapoor.net
Landscape, still life and natural abstracts realized via
pinhole, large format, digital and alternative printing processes.