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Fishing in a Canoe.

      Thank you so much for this virtual little movie played on my mind's eye.
A truly peaceful image conjured up by a few words. It rivals anything that could be photographed.
In addition to this miracle of images I find it interesting that vast, broad landscapes reproduced in miniature no larger than a couple of inches square, when remembered, in the mind's eye, are translated much larger than the print. The graphic format of the mind seems to automatically adjust according to the subject.
Is this  phenomenon ''alternative'' TO photography? Or part of it?
Good luck with your project.
Quirky John - Photographist - London - UK
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: How Independent Are We, Really?


When my son and daughter were little, I used to take them fishing in a canoe.  I would make  up names for the fish we were catching:

Largemouth Bass were dubbed Blabbermouth Bass...
Bluegills became Bluegiggles....
Northern Pike or Pickerel became Northern Pickles
etc. etc.

We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs..... Great times on a peaceful, Northern Wisconsin lake.

The kids still refer to these fish today with those names.

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson