3200 SHEET FILM? was Re: Ilford developers
DEAR LIST, I have always wondered why neither Kodak nor Ilford have sold their 3200 speed films as sheet films. Where else would one really LOVE the speed and not care as much about the grain? Don't you find that curious? I lust after Delta 3200 in 8X10. Can you imagine that speed? Even after filter factors and/or bellow factors you could use a high F# and not have to expose for seconds! Anyone know anyone at those places? Maybe we could induce them to make some in those sizes? CHEERS! BOB AND MORE... DEAR RICHARD, You are right in all you say...these films don't have much shelf life so no manufacturer will want to make anything that won't sell fast. Perhaps the idea is to see if we can discover a market and have a quantity made. ******I am not a member of the Large Format Forum. Might someone who IS a member ask if any of them agree that is would be great to have an 8X10 film in 3200 effective speed? I developed 120 Delta 3200 in PMK at 20:20:1000 as per Gordon's recommendations and got great results. I see no reason we couldn't do this with 4X5, 5X7, and 8X10. I would really appreciate it if someone would forward my e-mail to the LFF and post their replies. CHEERS! BOB