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Re: "magnachrome"

Judy has more perseverance than I; I didn't make it to the end. I stuck it out through the interminable consumer survey, but after the fourth or fifth page of the terms of use, I said to myself, "This is ridiculous!" and bailed out. It shouldn't be that hard to subscribe to a magazine, seems to me.

On Sep 19, 2007, at 5:32 PM, Marek Matusz wrote:

Is there any way to read the article, without giving my first born in return.
Judy, I like your commentary.

> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 18:09:26 -0400
> From: jseigel@panix.com
> Subject: "magnachrome"
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Ender100@aol.com wrote:
> > here is the link: "magnachrome" or http://www.magnachrom.com/ MCHome.php
> If I weren't eager to see the work of two photographers whom I seriously
> respect (Christina and Diana), I would have already told magnachrom to
> take their, um, "protocol" and, um, fly out to space with it.
> I have in my improbably long life had some serious transactions, including
> deals worth millions (of dollars) and legal operations with serious
> ramifications, affecting life, liberty, family, community, country and
> posterity (to name but a few), with "secrets" technical, psychological,
> national and international, yet I have NEVER EVER encountered such a
> fusillade of legalese, let alone been expected to read page after page
> after page of small white sans serif type on a pale grey background,
> legible perhaps to the highest echelons of the CIA, with a week to kill on
> steroids... tho no guarantee.
> For all I know I have agreed to give them my first-born if I say anything
> to anybody about their style, let alone their typography.... though I can
> only hope -- my first-born would tear them to shreds and feed them to the
> fishes.
> Nevertheless, for reason cited above, I crossed all t's and dotted all i's
> and was told, in effect, "Congratulations, you are registered, we'll send
> you an e-mail to verify." Said e-mail has not, however, arrived, so they
> lie as well as pettifog. Or let's say their software is no better than
> their brainware.
> Meanwhile, as a citizen of what may loosely be called the "photo
> community" I think this kind of operation needs "deconstruction." You
> don't have to be, say, J. Edgar Hoover or Alan Greenspan to figure out
> that the info sought about my personal hardware is intended to sell me to
> advertisers, tho, not having been able to decipher the fineprint legalese,
> I can only suppose that it is intended to persuade me not to steal their
> material, and to describe what would happen should I try. (Memo to self:
> check "Delusions of Grandeur" in the DSM4 -- or maybe it's DSM6 by now.)
> Frankly, my present practice of stealing babies and selling them to the
> gypsies is almost certainly more lucrative ... I'm sorry to miss the work
> of our friends, though on the other hand, I find myself hesitant to
> "enable" such shenannigans (and yes, I'm serious about that).
> oops, correction... tho IMO this makes it worse: While I was writing this
> screed, the following e-mail arrived;
> ================================================================
> Thank you for registering for MAGNAchrom. Before we can activate your
> account one last step must be taken to complete your registration!
> Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered
> member. You will only need to click on the link once, and your account
> will be updated.
> To complete your registration, click on the link below:
> http://www.magnachrom.com//ConfirmRegistration.php?CODE=8eAEXiGf
> <a
> href="http://www.magnachrom.com//ConfirmRegistration.php? CODE=8eAEXiGf">AOL
> Users click Here to be Activated</a>
> **** Does The Above Link Not Work? ****
> If the above link does not work, please use your Web browser to go to:
> http://www.magnachrom.com//ConfirmRegistration.php
> Please to be sure not to add extra spaces. You will need to type in your
> user name and activation number on the page that appears when you click on
> our copy the above link in your browser.
> Your Username is: jseigel@panix.com
> Your Activation ID is: [xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> If you are still having problems signing up please contact a member of our
> support staff at customersupport@magnachrom.com
> Thanks very much,
> The MAGNAchrom team
> ===============================
> Well guys, feeling compelled by a higher power to go seek some extra
> spaces... I close now. Tho I feel I've encountered something very
> special. Maybe I can publish it.
> love & kisses...
> Judy

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