Call for Entries: ONWARD '08 Juried Photography Exhibition
Project Basho is excited to announce the open call for ONWARD, an annual juried photography exhibition. With this juried exhibition Project Basho attempts to shed light on new and emerging photographers with unique vision and talent. Every year Project Basho will invite notable a photographer or another professional in the field to select the work for the exhibition. For the inaugural show, we are inviting Andrea Modica to be the juror. Andrea Modica has been consistently creating strong bodies of work with her platinum/palladium prints on vellum pspser. She has also been actively engaged in educating a new generation of photographers through workshops. The exhibition will take place at the Project Basho Gallery in January 2008. The construction is in the final stage, and this unique and intimate space is awaiting for visually arresting images to be displayed on the walls. Project Basho Gallery will be one of the few in Philadelphia which is dedicated to the medium of photography. This annual event will be one of many ambitious photography exhibits which will take place in our space. A more detailed description and the entry form are posted on our website. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us. Warmly, Project Basho 1305 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19122 ----- P R O J E C T B A S H O ----- Re-introducing Photography to Philadelphia ONWARD '08: Juried Exhibition - CALL FOR ENTRIES <> |