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Re: two questions about gum


It would be best to cut pigment rather than exposure.  Exposure for most processes should really remain constant unless you are trying to just lay down a light coat.

Otherwise, you blow out your highlights.

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System
PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups

In a message dated 9/25/07 5:48:09 PM, cryberg@comcast.net writes:

    I have noticed that my Daniel Smith Perylene Red stains the margins
fairly heavily EXCEPT when it is the first layer.  Is this kind of behavior
common?  Am I missing something?  It took me quite a few prints to determine
this since I have been printing that layer 2nd or 3rd and bemoaning the
stain.  Then I realized my 10x10 test chart showed no stain and made a print
with the Magenta layer first--no stain.  I am printing on unsized Fab
    On a related topic:  After determining the exposure time and curve for
each of the three colors I made a test print which was WAY too dark.
Cutting the exposure time by nearly 2 stops helped.  Katharine Thayer
confirmed off-list that it is customary to have to cut back, though if I
remember right she suggested using less pigment rather than cutting
exposure.  Is there any rule of thumb for cutting either the pigment or the
    Thanks.  Charles   Portland, Oregon

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