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Re: Two tricolor prints

I should add that the color for the colorized negatives is one that I spent a lot of time establishing and refining; I'm sure this is the right color for my printer and light source, negative material, etc. I use this color routinely on all my negatives now, and get good results from it for routine gum printing of all kinds. But in studying the separations and the color layers individually, it seems it's not blocking enough in the tricolor layers; the cloudiness seems to be caused by color printing where it shouldn't, and neutralizing the colors that should be there (such as blue printing on the poppies and greying the orange color).

On Sep 25, 2007, at 7:17 PM, Katharine Thayer wrote:

Here's a comparison of an image printed from the colorized and calibrated separations, and the same image printed from separations made by simply inverting channels and printing without further manipulation . The jpeg is rather small because I was intending to append it to a post on another forum, but since the question of calibrating tricolors came up here in the meantime, decided to just put it up on my site; at any rate it's not necessary to see detail; the difference in the vividness of the color, which is the issue of note here, should be quite apparent even in the small images.

I named the page rather cockily "If it ain't broke..." but it is a little broke in fact; the greyscale separations can make a print that's too contrasty, which is the reason I decided to see if I could get an improvement with colors and curves. But so far, I'll take the straight inversions even with blown highlights. This isn't just an anomaly; I did several prints with different pigments and proportions and got the same cloudiness on all of them.

I've been thinking for a while of switching to Prussian blue for tricolors, and these are my first prints with Prussian; it will definitely be my blue of choice for tricolor from now on. I'm still playing with pigments and proportions to balance the Prussian, but the combination I used here gives a fairly close approximation to the original colors.

