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Re: uncurve/curve comparison on Loris' website

Interesting. I'd characterize that comparison very differently; the bottom one, to my eye, is heavily cyan-biased; the upper one simply cuts the cyan way back to match the rather undersaturated yellow and magenta. It's an interesting effect, and certainly if the same pigment mixtures are used for both, a special curve for the cyan layer would be necessary to cut back the extra cyan without disturbing the other colors. I'd do it by adjusting the cyan pigment downward to match the saturation of the other colors to get the same effect. Different roads to the same kingdom.

On Sep 27, 2007, at 8:56 AM, ryberg wrote:

That is a great image. I noticed it in your book, but it is too small and the color too limited to make a real impression. I was greatly impressed when I saw it in Magnachrome.
I'm still working on Adjuma--making curves at the moment. Let me say specifically what I did which did not work well.
1) Separately determined standard printing time for each of the three colors. 2) Separately determined curves for each of the three colors. At this point if I had wanted to make three separate one- coat gums I would have been able to get the best DMAX and best tonal range out of each. But, of course, that isn't what I wanted to do so I made separation negatives and printed each color, one on top of the other. I did not keep the results--it was VASTLY too dark. My instinct said, reduce the exposure which resulted in the prints I put on my website.
Now, the one thing that nearly everone responding does agree on is that reducing the exposure is NOT the best way to go--and I'm certainly willing to believe that.
So, now I'm, running curves with less pigment in the magenta layer (I'm still using Daniel Smith's Perelyne Red).
I really doubt that it matters, but I'm using an Epson R1800 with third party dye ink and have determined from one-coat gums, VDB and Cyanotype that - RPM - all ink colors - no color control - is the only option which puts down enough ink to give me paper white.
Thanks for your help. Charles Portland Oregon