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Re: Two tricolor prints: a question

This is usually due to an error in printer driver settings.  This can easily happen with earlier Epson printers when you use a preset that is supposed to "remember" all the settings for digital negatives... quite often the one that will fail to be "remembered" is the "no color adjustment"  setting under printer color management—and this makes for a puny negative  and a dark print.

Accidently working with a file in sRGB color  space  will also  cause this.

Also, Camden's suggestion about monitor brightness is  a good one.... I keep my monitor set at #4 with #1 being the most dim setting and 16 being the brightest (Mac flat screen).

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System
PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups

In a message dated 9/28/07 7:16:45 PM, kthayer@pacifier.com writes:

Well, I figured out what the problem is,  I think, but I'm not sure 
why it's happening or how to fix it.

Two different colorized negatives, same applied color, same negative 
media, same pigment mix, same paper, same everything.  With one, a 
negative I've been using a lot lately for test prints of various 
kinds and has been printing beautifully,  a given density prints as 
paper white, just as I intended.   With the other (one of the 
separations from the example I showed),  same negative color,  same 
curve, same pigment mix, etc, the exact same density prints 
substantial unwanted tone.

After going back and forth comparing the test strips, the charts, the 
test prints, the digital negative files, to no avail, I finally took 
the actual physical negatives and put them next to each other.  The 
color layers have the same color layer applied in screen mode (R255, 
G89, B89) but the physical negatives aren't the same color.  The ones 
I've been using before so successfully are more orange; the new ones, 
that aren't working well, are more red.

I always do a nozzle check before I print negatives, and clean if 
necessary til the nozzle check prints perfectly.  So it shouldn't be 
a clogged nozzle that's accounting for these negatives suddenly 
printing a different color.  But what could it be?  The print 
settings are the same in both cases.

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System
PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups

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