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Re: Masa examples from Rajul

Alberto, I was hoping Rajul would chime in right away with fuller explanations to add to the basic information I put on the page, but while she's unavailable I'll offer these paragraphs that she sent along with the images. I hope she won't mind, as I had the impression she sent the information to be used on the page if I chose:

"As you showed earlier, printing on the S (smooth) side produces darker prints than on the R (rough) side. This can work both ways in that hilites have an advantage on S prints; however, to get them to print on the R surface, one simply increases the exposure by about 10-20%. Shadows do not get blocked up on the R surface. Thus, it is best to use both sides in printing up a file, and select the one that best represents the subject.

The horizontal bands you see in FC270-4 S [that would be the top right image, on smooth Masa] are due to the Masa having detached from the clear acetate support. Also visible is some crinkling which reinforces the crumbling structure.

The FC270/13 prints [bottom row] were derived thus: Gum > cyano > gum > size > 3 gum passages. The R version got one additional gum pass.

Thus, Masa mounted on a support becomes very sturdy indeed. Problems arise from its detachment from the support. I now pay more attention to ensuring good adhesion along all sides.

All these prints have a lovely shine to them. I will try to enhance this by application of a coat of water-based polyurethane or wax."

I was in a hurry when I posted the link and didn't think to add how much I appreciate Rajul showing these and how much I like the delicate effect from the buildup of many thin layers of gum.


On Sep 30, 2007, at 1:32 AM, Alberto Novo wrote:

I prefer the rough side images, mostly because on my monitor the smooth side ones are a little biased towars a green/blue cast. This does not mean that one could properly balance it better, as this is only a comparison about the behaviour to equal treatments.
What cannot be appreciated from the pictures is the texture of the surface. This is a matter of personal taste choosing the working side, which might be more important than its behaviour.

As promised, Rajul has sent some gum and gum/cyanotype images on Masa: http://www.pacifier.com/~kthayer/html/Rajul_Masa.html Enjoy,