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Re: Soho show

Congratulations Chris! Congrats to your students too!

In a message dated 9/30/07 8:29:55 PM, zphoto@montana.net writes:

I'm so excited--two of my students and I got accepted into the Soho show!
Anyone else on this list, too??

Don't know if it was a bromoil or a gum that got in yet, as letters of
acceptance come by snail mail;  I know Maggie's work is platinum over ink
jet a la Burkholder process (thanks again, Dan)...Cale's--don't know yet but
either platinum or gum.

Since I don't have time to travel to the opening, if someone on this list
lives in NY and goes (Judy if it is you, stand by the pic in a mouthily
sloganned T-shirt, will you???), will you please take an installation pic
for me and send me a jpg (or is that not allowed)?? Oh, it is Maggie
Mateskon and Cale Hofferber--the students.

I don't know if I am more excited about me getting in, or them!


Soho Photo Gallery, Alternative Processes Competition, 15 White Street, New
York, NY 10013
25 - 30 photographers will be selected to exhibit their winning entries in a
group show at Soho Photo Gallery from
November 6 - December1, 2007. The opening reception will be held on November
6, from 6 - 8 PM. Prizes for Juror's
Choice, 1st, 2nd, 3rd will be awarded. Honorable mention will be given at
the discretion of the Juror.

Best Wishes,
Mark Nelson

Precision Digital Negatives - The System
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