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RE: name of black metal plates?

Main Trophy Supply. http://www.maintrophysupply.com/

It's product #108 on this page:
http://www.maintrophysupply.com/aluminum.htm  It comes in 2 thicknesses,
both work fine. The thicker stuff is preferable for plates larger than 8x10.

But, don't call them tintypes... :-)


Original Message:
From: zphoto@montana.net zphoto@montana.net
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 16:36:30 -0600
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: name of black metal plates?

What is the name of the company that sells that trophy
aluminum--was it Kerik that mentioned it?  For tintypes.

Assistant Professor of Photography
Photography Option Coordinator
Montana State University
College of Arts and Architecture
Department of Media and Theatre Arts, Room 220
P.O. Box 173350
Bozeman, MT 59717-3350
Tel (406) 994 6219

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