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Re: For Sandy: On testing Pictorico OHP Transparency Film

I received a few inquires on the Pictorico OHP film. To save some typing I answer all of them here:

Those transparencies are from a business friend who distribute a major brand of professional inkjet paper/films. It is an overstock item and he sold me the whole lot. I am not sure if you can find anything in the market - I never did any research on this. I can sell you some if test turns out good.

Those are genuine "Pictorico OHP". Because the 100-sheet box (differ from 15 sheets) I would like to test it first. Through the test I would like to see if it is the same or close to Pictorica OHP Films that is usually used for digital negative. Can it be used for alternative processes and/or regular silver process. I buy those OHP is for my own use and the extra can be sold to the people who can use this film.

I can send a few people (8.5x11) 15 sheets each for the testing. I got two responses from Don and Todd right now, I can send two more people that is interested to do the test. Plus Sandy if he has time and interest, 5 people should be enough to tell us something.


Trevor Cunningham wrote:
If it works out, I'd like to know where I can get 11x17 and 13x19 in 100 sheet boxes, too.

*/Panmedia <panmedia@comcast.net>/* wrote:


I just got some Pictorico OHP Transparency Film in 100 sheets
boxes. I
wonder if you or any of your friends can run a test to see if it
can be
used for digital negative purpose, the same as the 15 sheets
package on
their website. I have 8.5x11, 11x17 and 13x19, all in 100 sheets

If anyone else interested in testing the transparency, please let me
know too.


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