I have seen no discussion here, but there are wild fires
burning in the landscape of after market ink carts for Epson printers. This is
just as important as no tripods in NYC or worse since many don’t visit
IF you love paying for Epson inks that stop reading, but if
you use after market inks, non OEM, then listen up. Epson has received a ruling
in their favor that will stop the flow of ink carts that go into their desktop
printers. There is also talk about them going after the large format printers
as well. Please get informed, write the President, George W, and get him to
stop it.
Message $ 28031 from Piezo list on Yahoo…
Re: ConeColor inks for EPSON
Ultrachrome K3 printers from the makers of Piezogra
--- In piezography3000@yahoogroups.com,
"Michael King" <drmrking@...>
> Jon,
> Is your cartridge supply likely to be impacted by the recent upholding
> Epson's patent rights on cartridges?
> http://www.rechargermag.com/articles/52277/
> Txs,
> Mike
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Who would have known that
something like this could happen in America? It had not crossed any of
the ink jet newslines that I follow. So I held your message from the
list for two days to investigate.
Unfortunately after reviewing nearly 500 pages of the court ruling as
well as the ITC ruling, it is clear that this affects every company in
the USA
that imports either empty, filled, or CIS cartridges for desktop
printers. It does not affect large format.
EPSON set up this website to bring it to the attention of all cartridge
resellers: http://itc.epson.com/
This ruling only affects the USA
and is now dependent upon the President
of the USA,
George W Bush, signing it into law - which is expected. It
affects all desktop cartridges which have a chip parallel to the front
of the cartridge but not the chip itself, the port through which ink
feeds into the ink stem of the printer, and the device which holds the
cartridge into the printer, also cartridges with foam or a
bladder/valve. In short it covers all 750 models of EPSON products but
only for the desktop. And yes CIS are affected. The end result being
none of these cartridges will be allowed into the USA after the
President signs it into law.
It does give one pause to think that patent law has become more
important in the USA
than anti-trust law, and this may signal the
beginning of entities rushing patents not in order to make innovation
but rather to produce monopolies. It is a totally anti-competitive
action which has occurred and is unfortunately a symptom of what is
happening in the USA
that affects people across all party lines. In
short it affects every average US
citizen, whether they are a
photographer using monochromatic inks to replace the darkroom materials
which are no longer manufactured, a scrap-booker trying to save money on
their hobby, or the retiree that prints coffee mugs and mouse pads with
dye-sublimation inks to augment their social security.
Can you or anyone do anything?
The International Trade Commission was charged with the below burden but
may not have been presented with any evidence as to how it affected the
because only a single surviving Chinese company was represented:
"If the Commission contemplates some form of remedy, it must consider
the effects of that remedy upon the public interest. The factors the
Commission will consider include the effect that an exclusion order
and/or cease and desist orders would have on (1) the public health and
welfare, (2) competitive conditions in the U.S.
economy, (3) U.S.
production of articles that are like or directly competitive with those
that are subject to investigation, and (4) U.S. consumers.
If the Commission orders some form of remedy, the President has 60 days
to approve or disapprove the Commission's action."
So, if you think that the your welfare is affected by the ITC decision
or that competitive conditions will be affected, etc, you should quickly
write the President of the United
States and reference this on both your
envelope and the letterhead:
RE: International Trade Commission 337 Investigation No. 337-TA-565
Please write the President. You have only a short time to act.
start it thus:
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
[enter date here]
RE: International Trade Commission 337 Investigation No. 337-TA-565
Dear Mr. President,
I am writing to you concerning the October 19, 2007 decision by the
International Trade Commission concerning the Section 337 Investigation
in the Matter of Certain Ink Cartridges and Components Thereof (Inv. No.
337-TA-565). Their decision is now coming to you for your approval, of
which I hope you pause to reflect upon, and do not sign.
The ITC decision adversely affects me because...[ this is where you
write the because and you should speak of how it directly affects you or
your business.]
...and dont forget to sign it!
Anti innovation…. Please get GW to at least
be aware of the problem. Your very printing could depend in this being over
Eric Neilsen Photo
4101 Commerce
Street, Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
214 827-8301
SKype ejprinter
Eric Neilsen Photo
4101 Commerce
Street, Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
214 827-8301
SKype ejprinter