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RE: NYC exhibit: platinum/palladium and carbon pigment prints of Bhutan

Kenro is a wonderful person and great photographer.  I initially worked under him when he was studio manager at Mel Dixon’s studio in NYC in the early 70s.




From: Jeremy Moore [mailto:jeremydmoore@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 9:09 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: NYC exhibit: platinum/palladium and carbon pigment prints of Bhutan


He didn't haul around a 300 lbs custom camera (it's a custom 14x18 Deardorff, actually), but he might have had 300 lbs of equipment? (But even that I think must include climbing/hiking gear.) He spoke at APIS in Santa Fe this year. Very enlightening. Also very funny to spend some time with (my fiance and I ran into him and his wife while we were all lost walking around downtown Santa Fe).


On Nov 16, 2007 6:54 PM, K M <cyanotype@gmail.com> wrote:

Has anyone here seen this exhibit which I hope to catch sometime the
next month or so:

The Rubin Museum of Art in NYC is currently exhibiting, "Bhutan, the
Sacred Within: Photographs by Kenro Izu" which features
platinum/palladium prints on watercolor paper and carbon pigment

The article at the link below says the photographer hauled a 300 lb
custom camera (for 14-inch-by-20-inch negatives) around Bhutan, which
is pretty amazing, given that the terrain is not exactly flat there.


Karen Molloy