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Re: F295 Symposium Question

Bruce, it seems to me that hearing Keith Taylor describe his working methods for tricolor gum would surely be worth the registration fee in itself. I'm also curious what form Jill Enfield's "artistic approach" to digital negatives would take. The listing of speakers and workshops sounds interesting and balanced. I'm glad someone chimed in who was there last year, since I don't have any direct experience to share, but I'm impressed with the lineup and the connection with Carnegie-Mellon.

On Nov 19, 2007, at 2:21 PM, Mary Donato wrote:

Hi Bruce and everyone,
I'm a relatively new lurker on this forum, but I've been active on the f295 list for quite a while. I attended the symposium in Pittsburgh last year, and had a great time. I'm not sure I can provide more information than is already available at www.f295.org, but the diversity of attendees made for an interesting mix. Tom Persinger (f295 forum founder and site manager) pretty much singlehandedly arranged all aspects of the symposium, workshops, and speakers (an excellent mix, IMHO) for the "sit-down" part of the symposium held at Carnegie Mellon University. At the end of the first afternoon there was a spontaneous image-sharing "event" that was really fun. People had brought all kinds of images to "show and tell" and everyone gathered on the stage and laid their stuff out for all to see. Lots of alternative process prints there! Next year that spontaneous happening will be a scheduled event, because it was such a hit the first time. I participated in the Cyanotype Rex workshop, and I thought the locations and facilities of the workshops were fantastic (in that case, Pittsburgh Filmmakers provided space and will again next year). The last day of the symposium was Worldwide Pinhole Day, and a group of people met to walk around the South Side and shoot pinhole cameras. As a displaced Easterner, I enjoyed visiting Pittsburgh. It's a very cool city with loads of arts stuff happening, and a vibrant downtown and eclectic South Side. It was sure fun the first time and I'm planning to attend next year (I hope). It's not just about lensless photography, it's about many other "Alternative and Adaptive Photographic Processes" too. I encourage you to check it out!
Mary in Boise, ID
(gneissgirl on f295)

Alt List members

Does anyone have any details or additional information regarding the f295 Symposium scheduled for May 29 - 1 June 2008 in Pittsburgh? Did anyone attend the 2007 symposium and, if so, is it a worthwhile symposium?