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Re: The Direct Carbon Fresson/Arvel Processes

            Sounds as if  a very, very, weak bleach solution (Eau de Javelle ) has a very important place in your Direct Carbon Gum process, but not sawdust, of course, as with the Fresson Direct Carbon process. May I, please, ask where you first learned about Javelle ?
I do understand the possibility of a complete wash-off of the gum layer if it is not watched carefully, altho I do not use gum, at all, in my process.
From your description of your practice it seems highly viable and predictable, especially as you are doing tricolor work with it. Who would want anything else ?
One question, please. How do you think the successive layers of pigmented gum are developed by bleaching without disturbing the lower previously developed layers?
  Maybe by coating hardened gelatine as a protective layer between pigment coatings ?
Your work has astonished me in the past. Good Luck with further great images.
Best wishes.
John - Photographist - London - UK