U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: peeling the apple + "American Photography"

RE: peeling the apple + "American Photography"

	I have assumed that Don's proclamation was tongue in cheek.  He is
much too knowledgeable about alt prints to think that a digital print from a
plug in could ever match the unique tonalities, textures, and sensual
reality of a PT/PD, gum, van dyke, etc. print.  And he is all too aware that
each process renders highlights, midtones, and shadows differently...it
isn't just a matter of print color even if it DOES almost (an important
modifier) match the alt print.  I mean, seriously, the example of "Platinum"
is green!!!  It looks like a photo of Kermit without the frog.  	
	Thanks for the great put on, Don!  Some people actually fell for it!

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Bryant [mailto:dsbryant@bellsouth.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 5:22 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: peeling the apple + "American Photography"


Ohhh, Don, don't make me faint...

We might as well face it, Alternative Process Printing is now passé. Better
plan on adding a chapter for PS plugins to the Gum book!


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