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Re: math question verrrrrry off topic

Depends on how many people from the same institution entered. If only three entered and all three got accepted then your formula is correct. If more than you need to multiply by 3/4 for each unsuccessful entrant.

Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
Where else but this list can I ask these weird questions about chemistry and math and computers and alt???

OK for you math people (Yves?): If there is a show and 600 entries, and 150 are accepted, there is a 1 in 4 chance of acceptance. If 3 people from the same institution are accepted what percent chance is that--is it 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4 or a 1.5% chance or is it a more complex formula?

Forgive the off topic request but it does relate to photo as 3 of our program got into a photo show and I want to be able to mathematically brag about it to the dept. head/dean.

Christina Z. Anderson
Assistant Professor
Photo Option Coordinator
Montana State University