Re: vernis soehnee
Thanks for these, Jean! I have cut and pasted your "Soehnée" in the search engine and cet accent aigu (sp) est important! I just found out how to do it on my computer. Chris ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean Daubas" <> To: <> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 12:11 PM Subject: Re: vernis soehnee Hi Chris ! I'll check next week whether one may still buy le Vernis Soehnée in stores and I'll make you know. By the way, I had a look at the scanned book you mentioned and there are just a few explanations about the Soehnée process which mainly consists in a way of helping the complete dissolution of resin to make the varnish. But I was surprised to find no more info about le "Vernis Soehnée" and, following the URL link that you gave in your post, I noticed that you searched for "vernis soehnee" instead of "vernis Soehnée". And there you get some interesting results; I only mention 2 url but they are plenty (including Demachy's book, of course) : - the description of the process by Soehmée (1836) at :,M1 page 54 and following -an article in the Bulletin de la Société française de Photographie (1860) about the use of vernis Soehmée in the chapter devoted to : PROCÉDÉ Pour transporter sur papier, sans les retourner, les clichés faits sur verre au collodion ; = process for transfering to paper, without turning them , collodion on glass pictures. at chapter begins on page 119 Chris, I had a special thought for you, when I noticed in the very long list of items necessary to apply the process the presence of Un flacon de gomme arabique dissoute, bien blanche, pure et d'une consistance sirupeuse. Un petit verre pour y mettre la gomme nécessaire à l'opération ' ' Un petit blaireau très-doux pour étendre la gomme I hope by this indication contribute to feed your passion for gum, to excite your desire for this white, pure and syrupeous matter... HeHeHe will say Mark ! ;-) Hope this helps, Cheers from France Jean ----- Original Message ----- From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <> To: "Alt, List" <> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 5:15 PM Subject: vernis soehnee AHA. Below is the URL that talks about an exhibit of watercolors made by