U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: mat board: somewhat o.t.

RE: mat board: somewhat o.t.

I have used Archival Methods and have been happy with the results, so far. ( I think its owned by a couple of guys who used to work for Light Impressions)

Scott B. Weber
Associate Professor of Photography
Department of Fine Arts
Barry University
11300 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami Shores, Florida 33161
(305) 899 4922

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Hawkins [mailto:tomehawk@ix.netcom.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 11:08 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: mat board: somewhat o.t.

Hi Folks,

I generally get mat board from Light Impressions.  They are out of
stock (and don't know when they'll have it again) of the type that I

Can anyone recommend a secondary supplier of Light Impressions
products?  I'm hoping someone might have this in their stockroom, or
sitting pristinely packaged on a shelf.

I need: 16 x 20, 8 ply, Westminster Natural White.

Don't want to purchase larger sheets and cut it down.  I'm lazy and
cheap.  And inaccurate and clumsy.

Checked Calumet, and they don't carry this stuff.   Studio Supply (in
SF) doesn't carry 8 ply.  Haven't checked local framers, yet.



Tom Hawkins
