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Re: Cyanotype with high school students

I taught the darkroom for years and we made great enlarged negatives with the APS film from Freestyle, its a litho film that can be developed in dektol 1:2-1:7 to get a full scale image. First you get a positive from the 35mm neg then contact print the positive to get a negative. The students loved the process. Way faster than paper negs and they always come up with creative ways to use the positive and negatives.


I tried again today. (I also teach high school photography, only I teach the wet kind) I was able to get OK prints, although the exposure time was extremely long. The transparency version was much quicker and snappier. Since I have 180 beginners, I don't think I'll spring for the transparencies.

On the plus side, the generic Sax 140 lb watercolor held a great blue without staining, even with a little acid in the wash.

-----Original Message-----
From: henk thijs <henk.thijs@hetnet.nl>
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Sent: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 9:29 am
Subject: Re: Cyanotype with high school students

On 29 jan 2008, at 3:52, RHobbs3@aol.com wrote:

Have you tried using paper negs?

Did you ???? ? I ?never had a good result with paper negs for cyanotype; for oil-printing and gum it was ok for me, but cyanotypes ....



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