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Re: curves and gum and Christopher James book

Ya, David, at least your curve looks like a "normal" gum curve and not a flatlined one!  But just check out Gonzalez' images--they are incredible.  They look like a C print.  So it is definitely working for him.  I can't wait to try it out.
Apparently James downloaded your curve from alternativephotography.com so Malin's website is a good venue.
BTW, there are even more alt listers on there.  Carmen Lizardo's prints are shown, Peg Fredi's bird image, on and on.  It is such a good book just for the actual images therein alone.
I am in hog heaven, having high speed internet in this hotel room in buck nowhere.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2008 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: curves and gum and Christopher James book

(BTW David Hatton, do
you know your curve is also in James' book??!!)

Hi Chris,

Fame at last!! All I need now is the fortune. I can't wait !! Seriously though that's really cool. I'll have to get me a copy now :)


David H