f295 Symposium Information
- To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
- Subject: f295 Symposium Information
- From: Tom Persinger <tp@tompersinger.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 10:59:32 -0500
- Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
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- Reply-to: Tom Persinger <tp@tompersinger.com>
- Resent-date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:59:47 -0600 (CST)
- Resent-from: alt-photo-process-error@sask.usask.ca
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I'm a daily lurker on the list but don't often post... thought I'd post a general summary concerning the upcoming f295 Symposium on Lensless, Alternative and Adaptive Photographic Processes taking place in Pittsburgh, PA USA from May 28 - June 1, 2008 with lectures, workshops and round-table discussions. Complete information is available on the symposium website: http://www.f295.org/symposium2008/
The f295 symposium is an in-depth exploration of the many different & alternative ways in which we can make photographs, and a look at how contemporary culture shapes the choices we make. It’s the only event of its kind that exclusively features artists and photographers talking about their work and the ideas that shape what they’re doing!
We have registered attendees from across the United States, Canada, UK, Australia and places in between! Please join us! (Attendance requires registration)
Here's the agenda:
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
9am-5pm: Symposium Kick-off Workshop: Toy Camera Modern Tintype Workshop with Jill Enfield --ONLY 2 spaces remain!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
3-9pm: Symposium Opening Reception and portfolio/work sharing. Bring your images, cameras and other alternative photography materials to share with the other presenters and attendees!
Time TBA: A Special Opening Reception Artists’ Talk with France Scully Osterman
Serendipity and Exquisite Manipulation
Friday, May 30, 2008
9am - 6pm: Lectures and round-table discussion presented in association with Center for Arts in Society at Carnegie Mellon Speakers include:
* Martha Casanave
* Jill Enfield
* Jesseca Ferguson
* Robert Hirsch
* Jerry Spagnoli
* Keith Taylor
* Ilan Wolff
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Workshops presented in association with Pittsburgh Filmmakers:
Calotype Paper Negatives (Dry Process) w/ Alan Greene
Chrysotype and Cyanotype ‘Rex’ Workshop w/ Terry King
Daguerreotype Workshop with Mike Robinson
Gum Bichromate Printing w/ Scott McMahon
The Magic of the Photogram and Camera Obscura w/ Ilan Wolff Planning, Organizing, and Staging a Successful Exhibition w/ Jesseca Ferguson
It’s All Positive! The Wet-Plate Collodion Process Two Day Workshop
w/ France Scully Osterman
2-4pm: Alternative Focus Exhibition Opening Reception at Silver Eye Center for Photography
7-11pm: f295 Exhibition: Opening Reception at 707 Penn Gallery info TBA
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Workshops presented in association with Pittsburgh Filmmakers:
Collodion Albumen-Platinum Printing w/ Terry King
An Artistic Approach to Digital Negatives w/ Jill Enfield
Daguerreotype Workshop w/ Mike Robinson
Developed-Out Salt-Printing w/ Alan Greene
The Magic of the Photogram and Camera Obscura w/ Ilan Wolff (2 day)
It’s All Positive! The Wet-Plate Collodion Process Two Day Workshop
w/ France Scully Osterman
9am-12pm: Lensless/alternative photography walk-about w/ Jo Babcock and Tom Persinger Registration opening soon!
3-7:00pm: Symposium Closing Reception
Schatz Dining Room, Carnegie Mellon University
We'll also have a few select vendors on hand to talk about their latest products..... Exhibitors to include: B&H Photo, Fujifilm, InkPress Paper, Lensbabies, PinholeBlender, WithoutLenses with more TBA!
Many of the workshops only have a few spaces remaining. And we have limited seating for the lectures and discussion. If you're thinking of coming register soon.
Complete registration information here >>