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RE: Lithium Chloropalladite

I used to add lithium chloride to my sodium tetrachloropalladite mix. The  chemistry works just fine, you are diluting you solution slightly. I used a 50%  LiCl solution. You can actually add a large amount of lithium chloride this way. Try it.

> Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:05:48 +0100
> From: payral@gmail.com
> Subject: Lithium Chloropalladite
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Is it possible to prepare Lithium Chloropalladite from already made
> Sodium Chloropalladite ?All my Palladium Chloride stock is already
> dissolved with Sodium Chlorure for 15% Sodium Chloropalladite for DOP
> palladium printing but I like to try DOP with Lithium Chloropalladite
> so what happens if I add some Lithium Chloride to the solution ?
> Philippe Ayral
> http://payral.club.fr

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