U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: archival adhesive for cyanotype?

RE: archival adhesive for cyanotype?

There are some archival adhesives which are Ph neutral. Try Light Impressions. You would want to avoid anything
that has a Ph greater than 7 for cyanotype. BTW also avoid buffered mat board.
Bob Schramm

Check out my web page at:




> Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 18:25:13 -0400
> From: gregg@roanokesound.com
> Subject: archival adhesive for cyanotype?
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Does anyone know of an adhesive that is safe to use (archival) with  
> cyanotype on any specific paper combination?  The adhesive would be  
> applied to the back of the print, in just a small area near the center  
> of the paper, to "float" it off the surface of a matte.
> In other words, is there a combination of paper and adhesive that is  
> not likely to damage the cyanotype?  Or perhaps a paper of a very  
> heavy weight?  Or a way to treat the back of a paper before applying  
> an adhesive?  Would an acrylic medium be safe, if it worked?
> Gregg 