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Re: digital and analogue photography -the essay

Although the essay was written over 2007 (I am tempted to add to it after the many thoughtful responses from this list), I was partly moved to put the essay out now because of an article I read in Photo-techniques magazine, May/June 2008, 'The shift to digital in photographic education', by William Schneider (whom I don't know). He takes a very practical approach to the nuts a bolts of the realities of the shift in American Universities. I have drawn heavily on the philosophy of technology. I thought that, as a photographer, it would be interesting to see how this could be applied to an actual, happening situation and to something I knew about.

Uses of words and language in the new field of digital image-making could be a whole essay in itself I think.

I hope your masters proposal is accepted.

DimitriColleen Deneux wrote:
I've been a lurker for the past few months but I've just submitted a masters proposal very close to this thread of analogue and digital pros and cons. I appreciated very much your paper Catherine and reading all the posts following.

I can't remember where I read this exactly (in some photo magazine somewhere) but it seemed right on the money. With the arrival of digital we should perhaps create a new category of ' image-maker' apart from that of 'photographer'.

Colleen Leonard