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Re: serum of milk

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, cadunn wrote:

To get whey__
Gently approach your local cheesemaker with cup in hand.

Oh Clair... if I remember correctly, you live in Vermont? In my local gourment cheese store they sell Vermont "artisanal" cheese for $25 per pound, and there's a big wheel of cheese under the sidewalk (protected by heavy glass) "ripening" -- for the tourists to gaze at. A local cheesemaker they might even have had in 1957 when we arrived... alas alas alas now only tourists, who want to know where Bleecker Street is so they can go stand in line for an hour (I'm not making this up) to buy a cupcake for $4, as described in the guide books they all carry. They also come and stand in front of the hole that used to be Chumley's in groups of about 20 while the guide lectures about the "Chumleys" gone for 20 years. ETC.

But now that you confirm its relation to cheese, I think I can get there (unless I come to my senses first). thanks
