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RE: Carbon on glass with back exposure

When I had problems with W&N paints in carbon tissue making last year I posted it to the list and somebody pointed me to a dissertation that described exactly what I was seeing. It could be pigment specific and not the entire line of paints. I use W&N paints for gum printing with no problems.

Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 08:34:56 +0200
From: damiano.bianca@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Carbon on glass with back exposure
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca

2008/6/28 Marek Matusz <marekmatusz@hotmail.com>:

Carbon on Glass (Back Exposure).
........... I have used tube watercolors and powdered pigments. Winsor and Newton watercolors DO NOT WORK.  They  have a preservative that spontaneously hardens  the gelatin as it dries.

thanks for your post, but I'm surprised about W&N. I use these products without problems.

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