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of shows and websites-delete if plugs bug you!

  • To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
  • Subject: of shows and websites-delete if plugs bug you!
  • From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 17:42:25 -0500
  • Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
  • Delivered-to: alt-photo-process-l-archive@www.usask.ca
  • List-id: alt-photo-process mailing list <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
  • Reply-to: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca

Dear All,
In an off list discussion it was mentioned that to some it might be a bother announcing shows or whatnot...to me, I love it when people announce their show openings, their juried show winnings, their websites, their successes as well as their failures. I usually bookmark the websites to show in my classes, and though I may not always respond about them onlist, I very much appreciate them. This way we can keep tabs on the alt community and how it is alive and well. But some may not see it that way and I apologize if I am "tooting my own horn" as it was termed.

SO, here's the toot: for those of you who will be in the Minneapolis area, July 31st 5:30-7:30 there is an opening reception for my Parking Lot series. If you are interested, please email me OFFLIST and I will personally send you out a card with the particulars. I would LOVE to meet you face to face, and we'll be serving some NICE red wine and cheese to sweeten the deal. If you get tanked, you can always walk to a great sushi restaurant closeby (Origami, or even Nami) and wear off the wine with a little food before driving home and guzzling gas. I hope to see Barry Kleider there as well as Keith Taylor as they do live in the area, but I am not aware of any other Minneapolis MN residents on this list at the moment so email me.

NOW, about websites. For those of you "over the pond" or elsewise unable to come who are interested in viewing the work, I have been working on a new website--one that displays work easily. At Mary Virginia Swanson's recommendation I tried out Visual Server (visualserver.com) and love it. I learned the ropes easily in a few hours and I love the different sizes and ways it displays the work. The best thing is I can upload so easily to it and manage my own website very swiftly. SO, from now on when talking about something onlist I can just breeze it up there on a learning page or whatnot, and take it down.

The website address is christinaZanderson.com--easy to remember, and I have the Parking Lot series on the website already. It is a series of about 60 gum prints, about 40 are on the website, so you can see what I worked on all spring. I will not be announcing the website to others until after the show so be kind--it is a work in progress and may contain mistakes. And you all are the first "in the know".

But what I wanted to say is that for those of you afraid to get into making your own website for fear of not knowing how, visualserver.com may be the answer. There is a one week free trial which is what I did, and I knew in a day I would stay with it. There are some glitches that are a pain in the popo but I made do. (BTW I have NO connection with this program/programmer/owner). I still can't figure out how to upload PDFS on there, for instance. That's gonna hurt, because I won't be able to post, say, the Fresson articles unless I post them page by page in JPG which sucks. But it seems the web owner is updating new stuff all the time at people's recommendations.

Those of you website techies, bear with us neophytes....
