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Re: dreamy Nikon lenses

I'm posting this for Rodolpho Pajuaba as seen below.


From: Rodolpho Pajuaba <rodolpho@pajuaba.com.br>
Subject: Re: dreamy Nikon lenses
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 17:57:07 -0300

> Hello, Mr. Suzuki, Iīm sorry for any inconvenience. Iīm trying to send the message below to the list but I canīt, and I didnīt find the reason yet. Could you be so kind an send it for me?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Regards,
> Rodolpho Pajuaba
> There is another photographer who uses this language called Mark Tucker
> <www.marktucker.com> . He even teached how he did their essays; he
> called his camera the "plungercam". He glued a loupe with a rubber tape
> around it to a Hasselblad with shutter on the body. I tried to do it
> with my 5D, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnīt. I have two
> pictures done like this - but I used a 35-70mm Nikkor lens onto the 5D -
> on my website <www.pajuaba.com.br>, on the link "Portfolio", one of a
> room and another of a street scene.
> In my view, the problem of using plastic lenses is that it gets too bad
> sometimes, and the focused area is not very defined - but for some
> (people and photographs) itīs an advantage.
> Regards,
> Rodolpho Pajuaba
> Ryuji Suzuki escreveu:
> > FYI, there was an interesting article describing variable soft
> > focus portrait lens for Minolta 35mm camera written by their
> > soft focus lens engineer several months ago on the Journal of
> > the Society of Photographic Science and Engineering of Japan
> > (article in Japanese, except for the figure captions, I think).
> >
> > Also, Konica Hexar AF uses a lens whose spherical aberration
> > is intentionally undercorrected. It produces very nicely
> > "soft" image superimposed on sharp image, and with crisp
> > contrast, at wide open at f/2. It becomes more or less usual
> > "excellent" performer at about f/3.5. Of course, due to the
> > focusing error caused by the residual spherical aberration,
> > rangefinder cameras and SLRs cannot afford to leave this much
> > spherical, but Hexar AF calculates the focus error and
> > compensates in its AF algorithm. Very clever.
> >
> > One thing I wish existed was a camera just like Hexar but uses
> > 6cm square format.
> >
> > Ryuji
> >
> >