U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Bostick and Sullivan

RE: Bostick and Sullivan

I’ve ordered things from B&S without difficulty but I do live in the US.




From: davidhatton@totalise.co.uk [mailto:davidhatton@totalise.co.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:41 AM
To: alt-photo-process-L@sask.usask.ca
Subject: Bostick and Sullivan


Hi All,

I wonder if anyone from this company is monitoring this list? I've been trying to purchase various items via their online store but cannot. I don't know whether anyone else has had problems registering but it doesn't want people from outside the USofA to get in..Is there an embargo?

If anyone is watching, can you check your email please...? Tx

David H